As the world’s population living in metropolitan areas increases, so increases the need for effective and sustainable interventions and services to inject mobility intelligence and improve the quality of life in large urban environments. Technological developments, in particular the extended and expanding use of ICT, have resulted the collection of unprecedented volumes of data across systems operating in the transport, mobility and the urban applications domains. Moreover, the influence of digital evolution is changing the experience of consumers of services in these domains and is driving the expectations that will shape the demand in the coming years. Although certain markets have been radically changed by the influence of technology, the transport, mobility and urban services sectors are changing at a slower pace.
Track and Know will develop user friendly Toolboxes that will be readily applicable in the transport, mobility, motor insurance and health sectors. Because the Big Data penetration is not adequately developed in niche markets outside the traditional ones, the Track and Know Toolboxes will be demonstrated in three real-world pilots. During these pilots, datasets from niche market scenarios will be used to validate efficiency improvements. Also, performance and impact benchmarks are elaborated and will be documented during the pilots deployment.
Big Data for Mobility Tracking Knowledge Extraction in Urban Areas (Track and Know) is a Horizon2020 project, with a focus on Big Data which will research, develop and exploit a new software framework that aims at increasing the efficiency of Big Data in the transport, mobility, motor insurance and health sectors.
Duration: 01/01/2018 - 31/12/2020Funding: H2020, Project reference No 780754Category: Big Data, transport, mobilityWebsite: